Immunocytochemistry imaging of Oligodendrocyte-like cells for markers O4 (oligodendrocyte specific marker) and MBP (myelin basic protein).

cat no | io1028

ioOligodendrocyte-like cells

Human iPSC-derived oligodendrocyte-like cells

ioOligodendrocyte-like cells are highly characterised cells that resemble a pre-myelinating oligodendrocyte state. These cells enable the screening of compounds that modulate myelination, supporting drug development for neurodegenerative and demyelinating diseases, such as multiple sclerosis.

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Confidently investigate your phenotype of interest across multiple clones with our disease model clone panel. Detailed characterisation data (below) and bulk RNA sequencing data (upon request) help you select specific clones if required.

per vial

Benchtop benefits

ioOligodendrocyte-like cells are highly defined and characterised


Human O4+ cells initially display a typical OPC-like morphology. They mature into oligodendrocyte-like cells that have multiple branched processes.



O4+ cells are ready from day 1 post-revival and rapidly mature into O4+ MBP+ oligodendrocyte-like cells with an 8 day protocol.

The ioOligodendrocyte protocol has been developed so even inexperienced users can generate consistent cells in days

Easy to use

Cryopreserved cells arrive ready to be used upon revival. Simple monolayer culture protocol. No lentiviral transduction required.

Technical data

Ready within days

The opti-ox powered cells rapidly mature, transitioning into an oligodendrocyte-like morphology within 8 days

Time-lapse video capturing the rapid and homogeneous acquisition of an OPC-like morphology and maturation towards an oligodendrocyte-like morphology with multiple branched processes, upon thawing of cryopreserved cells. 8 day time course; scale bar: 500 μm.

Cells enable the generation of experimental readouts within 8 days post-revival

Oligodendrocyte-like cells express key oligodendrocyte markers, O4 and MBP, showing an increased cell complexity from day 1 to day 8.
These cells are reprogrammed to rapidly mature when in a monolayer culture. By following a simple protocol, these cells allow scientists to generate experimental readouts within 8 days post-thaw.

Highly characterised and defined

ioOligodendrocyte-like cells express oligodendroglial-specific markers

Oligodendrocyte-like cells express key oligodendrocyte markers, O4 and MBP, showing an increased cell complexity from day 1 to day 8

Immunofluorescent staining of the cells at day 1 (upper panel) and day 8 (lower panel) post-revival. At day 1, the cells are positive for the oligodendrocyte-specific marker O4 (red), and the DAPI counterstain (blue). At day 8, ioOligodendrocyte-like cells show an increased complexity and are positive for O4 (red), the myelin basic protein (MBP) (green), and the DAPI counterstain (blue). 100X magnification; scale bar: 100 μm.

View the step-by-step immunofluorescent staining protocol used to generate this data.

Cells show an oligodendrocyte-like morphology by day 8

Cells rapidly acquire an OPC-like morphology and mature into an oligodendrocyte-like morphology

Upon deterministic programming, cells show rapid morphological changes, acquiring an OPC-like morphology by day 1 post-revival. By day 8, cells have matured and display an oligodendrocyte-like morphology. Brightfield images show day 1 and day 8 post-thawing; scale bar: 400 μm.

Key oligodendroglial genes are expressed by ioOligodendrocyte-like cells

Oligodendrocyte-like cells demonstrate gene expression of key oligodendroglial markers following reprogramming

Following deterministic programming, the cells downregulate expression of the pluripotency gene OCT4, whilst demonstrating robust expression of relevant oligodendroglial markers, including PDGFRA, PLP1, MBP, CNP, MAG, and MYRF. Gene expression levels assessed by RT-qPCR, data expressed relative to the reference (housekeeping) gene, HMBS. Data represents day 1 and day 8 post-revival samples; n=2 technical replicates.

Lot-to-lot consistency

Whole transcriptome analysis demonstrates high lot-to-lot consistency of ioOligodendrocyte-like cells
Bulk RNA-seq data demonstrate lot-to-lot consistency of 3 independent manufactured lots of ioOligodendrocyte-like cells.

Bulk RNA-sequencing analysis was performed on three different lots of manufactured product at day 1 and day 8 post revival. Principal component analysis (PCA) represents the variance in gene expression between the three different lots of ioOligodendrocyte-like cells. This analysis shows lots clustering very closely which demonstrates high consistency at each given timepoint. This lot-to-lot consistency in every vial gives scientists confidence in their experimental reproducibility. Colours represent the parental non-induced hiPSC cell line and the three lots of ioOligodendrocyte-like cells; shapes represent different timepoints.

Expression levels for specific genes of interest can be requested by contacting our team at

Cells arrive ready to plate

User manual including complete protocol for stabilisation and maturation of ioOligodendrocyte-like cells, upon receipt of the cryopreserved vial.

ioOligodendrocyte-like cells are delivered in a cryopreserved format and are programmed to rapidly mature upon revival in the recommended media. The protocol for the generation of these cells is a two-phase process: Induction which is carried out at, Stabilisation for 1 day (Phase 1), and Maturation from day 1 to day 8 (Phase 2). Phases 1 and 2 after revival of cells are carried out by the customer.

Product information

Starting material

Human iPSC line


46, XY*

Seeding compatibility

6, 12, 24 and 96 well plates

Shipping info

Dry ice


Caucasian adult male (skin fibroblast)

Vial size

Small: >1 x 10⁶ viable cells

Quality control

Sterility, protein expression (ICC) and gene expression (RT-qPCR)

Differentiation method

opti-ox deterministic cell programming

Recommended seeding density

27,000 cells/cm²

User storage

LN2 or -150°C


Cryopreserved cells

Product use

ioCells are for research use only


Screening of compounds that modulate myelination
Phenotypic assays
Target validation

*High-resolution Optical Genome Mapping (OGM) has identified a ∼16mb gain of the short arm of chromosome 12

Product resources

ioOligodendrocyte-like cells Brochure
ioOligodendrocyte-like cells
ioOligodendrocyte-like cells | User Manual User manual
ioOligodendrocyte-like cells | User Manual



Rethinking Developmental Biology With Cellular Reprogramming Webinar
Rethinking Developmental Biology With Cellular Reprogramming

Mark Kotter | CEO and founder |

Marius Wernig | Professor Departments of Pathology and Chemical and Systems Biology |  Stanford University

Watch now
Precision Cellular Reprogramming for Scalable and Consistent Human Neurodegenerative Disease Models Talk
Precision Cellular Reprogramming for Scalable and Consistent Human Neurodegenerative Disease Models

Madeleine Garrett | Field Application Specialist |

Watch now

Differentiating iPSCs - which approach works best? 

Download this infographic to find out how the approach used to generate human iPSC-derived cells influences purity, batch consistency and protocol speed. in hand-Aug 2022

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