8 - 10 April | Zurich, Switzerland

4th In-Vitro 2D & 3D Neuronal Networks Summit

This summit is a pivotal event for the neuroscience community, showcasing the latest research in iPSC-derived neurons, neural organoids, and the applications of microelectrode arrays (MEAs). The event is open to all interested in neuroscience, cell biology, drug discovery, disease modeling, and bio/neuroengineering to exchange knowledge and drive progress in these fields.

Conference website

4th In-Vitro 2D & 3D Neuronal Networks Summit

This summit is a pivotal event for the neuroscience community, showcasing the latest research in iPSC-derived neurons, neural organoids, and the applications of microelectrode arrays (MEAs). The event is open to all interested in neuroscience, cell biology, drug discovery, disease modeling, and bio/neuroengineering to exchange knowledge and drive progress in these fields.

Conference website

We are sponsors at this event!

Come and visit our team at our booth and meet our team to discuss how bit.bio offers partnering opportunities that affords access to the most relevant parental human cell types and corresponding disease models. These models are physiologically relevant and highly characterised, offering predictive, in vitro, human cells for early drug discovery, phenotypic screening, and high-content imaging applications.

Attend our talk by Tom Brown, Senior Product Manager, Research Products. The talk will focus on "Utilising Functional Human iPSC-Derived Neurons as a Robust Foundation for generating consistent, physiologically relevant HD-MEA Assays". High-density microelectrode arrays (HD-MEAs) are a powerful tool to measure the electrophysiological properties of human neurons in vitro, and are a cornerstone method in the development of new therapeutics for neurological diseases. High-density electrophysiology experiments that produce publishable, translatable data rely on high-quality, functional, and physiologically relevant cells as input. bit.bio has developed opti-ox™, an iPSC reprogramming technology that enables the consistent generation of defined, mature, functional human cell types at scale.  In this talk, we will explore how the MaxWell MaxTwo HD-MEA system has been used in the functional characterisation of opti-ox precision reprogrammed ioMotor Neurons™, ioGlutamatergic Neurons™, and ioSensory Neurons™. 

We are also presenting a poster "Rapid and consistent generation of functional motor neurons from reprogrammed human iPSCs using opti-ox technology" Foulser et al., 2024. In this poster, we demonstrate how the MaxWell MaxTwo HD-MEA system has been used for functional characterisation of opti-ox precision reprogrammed ioMotor Neurons, in addition to protein expression and transcriptomic analysis. Electrophysiological properties were assessed by a MaxTwo ‘activity scan‘ confirming electrical activity as early as day 14 post-thaw, which further increased over a period of 42 days. Furthermore, we show that ioMotor Neurons are responsive to electrical stimulation using the MaxTwo ‘electrical stimulation’ module.

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