28.06.2021 | Published by Sci Foo
28.06.2021 | Published by Sci Foo
On Friday 25 June 2021, bit.bio’s Head of Cellular Phenotyping Dr Davide Danovi was a speaker at the Sci Foo Camp. Davide Danovi talks about the innovative Discovery platform and groundbreaking gene engineering solution, opti-ox™ which was invented in Dr Mark Kotter’s research laboratory and is the foundation of bit.bio in Cambridge UK.
Sci Foo Camp is the invite-only technology and science “unconference” run by Digital Science, Google, Nature Publishing Group and O’Reilly Media. Sci Foo brings together almost 300 people from around the world who are doing groundbreaking work in diverse areas of science and technology.
opti-ox allows us to engineer code directly into the DNA of human cells, activating transcription factors that reprogram cells towards a specific function, in essence telling the cells what to do. Its uniqueness is that it is consistent - every time code is engineered into cells, the reprogramming is activated in the same way. This means opti-ox is a scalable solution, unlike other reprogramming technologies.
“Having access to scalable, consistent and pure human cells is a game-changer - it will create a revolution in medicine and a new set of interventions both on the cell therapy and the cellular models fronts that can help solve the most difficult medical problems and deliver next-generation healthcare products to patients."
Davide DanoviHead of Cellular Phenotyping, bit.bio